The 20 best weight loss foods
Looking for an easy way to lose a few pounds? We've got the program. It's simple, and it works. So get with it.
By Amelia Jay, M.S., R.D.
Everybody has a snack attack at one time or another, and there's no reason to fight it. Research shows that those who snack when hungry eat less later and control their weight better. Just be sure you eat healthy, low-fat snacks such as the ones that follow.
Frozen grapes, blueberries, and/or bananas
Description: Frozen cold sweet fruits are refreshing, satisfying, nutritious, and taste "smooth" or even creamy like many fat-filled desserts. They're easy to store in your freezer, whether store bought or picked-by-you-and-your-family and then frozen. Because of their texture, temperature, and consistency, they taste sweet, and alert your body to stop eating before you've overdone it.
You'll Save: 80 calories when you compare a whole 12-ounce bag of frozen blueberries to a small serving of TCBY frozen yogurt, and 200 calories and 14 grams of fat when you compare a frozen banana with a 1/2 cup of Ben and Jerry's.
Dried papaya, mango, and/or dates
Description: For a sweet taste that mimics a piece of candy, try a dried-fruit snack. Raisins are the most popular, but these papayas, mangos, and dates will provide your daily dose of vitamin C, plus some vitamin A and iron. They require more chewing time than raisins, and will satisfy most people in a smaller quantity than raisins, which are easy to overeat.
You'll Save: 100 to 150 calories for 4 to 6 pieces when compared with a handful of raisins or other dense, sugary foods and candies.
Glenny's Apple Cinnamon Low-Fat Soy Crisps
Description: Available in two-serving bags, these crunchy cinnamon treats will satisfy your sweet tooth while setting you back just 150 calories for 28 crisps. Also available in lightly salted and onion flavor, each bag contains 10 grams of soy protein (The American Heart Association recommends 25 to 50 grams of soy protein each day for heart health) plus 200 percent of your daily vitamin C need, 20 percent of your iron need, and 10 percent of your calcium need.
You'll Save: 150 calories and 15 grams of fat compared with graham-cracker snack treats.
A satisfying dinner will help you avoid a late-night pigout. The best dinners are high in complex carbohydrates, and low in fat. The carbohydrates will help you sleep better, and also fuel your morning workout.
Spaghetti squash
Description: When prepared, the spaghetti squash actually resembles a plate of spaghetti, so you can add all your favorite sauces and toppings. Rich in fluids (about 92.3 percent water), carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin), spaghetti squash makes an ideal, low-calorie entre that's still filling. (Note: This is not, however, the best way to carbo-load for a marathon, or resupply your leg muscles after a hard workout. For that, you'll want a traditional plate of pasta, heavy on the spaghetti, and light on the sauces.)
You'll Save: 200 calories compared with 2 cups of wheat spaghetti.
Papadini, hi-protein, pure-lentil bean pasta
Description: This delicious, wheat- and gluten-free pasta has a unique, appealing taste, and shouldn't trouble runners whose stomachs are sensitive to regular pastas. It also has 5 more grams of protein per serving than traditional pasta, and is richer in iron, folic acid, and other B-vitamins necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy. When you prepare Papadini pasta as a vegetable primavera, tossed with peas, beans carrots, tomatoes, and corn, you get as much protein as a chicken or steak dinner without the excess fat, cholesterol, and calories.
You'll Save: 20 calories per 2-ounce serving compared with traditional wheat pastas.
Idaho Supreme potato pasta
Description: Here's another wheat- and gluten-free alternative to the real McCoy. Potato-based pasta is a delightful, high-complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber wheat alternative. The Idaho Supreme pasta is made from organic potatoes to help preserve the Vitamin C, calcium, and iron necessary for strong, healthy running.
You'll Save: 20 calories per 2-ounce serving compared with traditional pastas.
Advantage\10 pizza
Description: This delicious pizza alternative featuring grilled vegetables was designed by low-fat health guru Dean Ornish. You can practically eat the whole pie for the same number of calories you get from one or two slices at your local pizzeria.
You'll Save: 250 calories and more than 20 grams of fat compared with most restaurant or supermarket pizzas.
Barbara's Mashed Potatoes
Description: They're not a full meal, of course, but these easy-to-prepare mashed potatoes in a box make a great, high-carbohydrate, low-fat "comfort" dish to go with your meal. Prepare them with nonfat milk, water, a little salt, and nonfat margarine.
You'll Save: 50 calories and 6 grams of fat compared with a 1-cup serving of traditional mashed potatoes.
It's normal and natural to want something sweet after dinner. Especially if you've been training hard. Since chocolate has recently been shown to contain powerful antioxidants, why not indulge a little?
Haagen-Dazs chocolate sorbet
Description: Who ever thought Haagen-Dazs would make it into this article? But it does. This richly chocolate frozen treat manages to taste creamy without containing any fat at all. Sure, it's sugary, but at least you're getting some protein and fiber as well.
You'll Save: 100 calories and 15 grams of fat per serving compared with HD's chocolate fudge ice cream.
Chocolate Dreams cookies
Description: A meringue-type version of the traditional chocolate chip cookie, this one lets you gobble down 5 cookies for under 30 calories and no fat. Bonus: You get two grams of protein as well.
You'll Save: At least 150 calories and 9 grams of fat compared with just 3 regular chocolate chip cookies.